Fuel prices in Orenburg Oblast

Volga Federal District

Average fuel prices in Orenburg Oblast (VFD) at November 18, 2024

Russia Volga Federal District Orenburg
% 0.53
% 0.42
% 0.39
% 0.25

Diesel — the price increased at 0.35 ₽ compared to the previous week (42 place)

Regular92 — the price increased at 0.22 ₽ compared to the previous week (24 place)

Super95 — the price increased at 0.22 ₽ compared to the previous week (19 place)

Super98 — the price increased at 0.20 ₽ compared to the previous week (37 place)

* The place is calculated among all regions of Russia, in which this type of fuel is present (from smaller to larger).

The trend in fuel prices in Orenburg Oblast (VFD)

Type of fuel Now 3 months ago 1 year ago 3 years ago
Diesel 66.88 ₽ + 1.72 ₽
2.64 %
+ 4.72 ₽
7.59 %
+ 15.88 ₽
31.14 %
Regular92 53.16 ₽ + 0.95 ₽
1.82 %
+ 3.58 ₽
7.22 %
+ 7.21 ₽
15.69 %
Super95 57.26 ₽ + 0.91 ₽
1.61 %
+ 3.92 ₽
7.35 %
+ 7.68 ₽
15.49 %
Super98 80.14 ₽ + 6.95 ₽
9.50 %
+ 14.58 ₽
22.24 %
+ 24.10 ₽
43.00 %

If in the column "3 months ago" — + 1.29 ₽, 2.15 %, it means that for the last 3 months the price has increased at 1.29 ₽ or 2.15 %. If the values are negative, then the price for that period has decreased accordingly.


* Since January 1, 2018 the tracking of fuel prices Regular80 has been discontinued, and instead of fuel Super95+ fuel prices for Super95 and Super98 are monitored.